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WANG, L.Ac., O.M.D., Q.M.E.
858-684-1848 /
E-MAIL: wang.acu@gmail.com
You know it is
going to happen. You are going to go off whatever diet you are
on and you are going to eat things that are not good for you
and, if you are like most Americans, you are going to put on
between five and ten pounds by the time you reach New Years’
Eve and drink champagne to try to forget the whole thing. I
know this, because I will do the same thing. My advice to you
is this: unless there is some pressing health problem, like
diabetes, that makes it mandatory you stick to a boring and
regimented routine, enjoy yourself. This is the time of year
to indulge and to love and to laugh and yes, to overeat. In
the Chinese medical system, it is believed that, in the
winter, the body meridians are weaker and we improve (tonify)
the system by eating, resting, and producing the next
If you are among those whose payment for
the festivities will reach beyond the weight gain, I can
suggest several things:
- Do not permit yourself to become or remain
constipated. This brings up the question of what
constipation is. Most Americans think they are not
constipated if they have two to three bowel movements a
week. Wrong! There should be a bowel movement every
day and without straining, moaning, etc. The colon
is so large that it is connected to, touches, sits next
to, or is near every major organ in the body except the
brain. When you are constipated, the colon swells,
expands, and can even herniate. The "drug" of
choice is probably an enema, because it does not flood
the system with irritants. There is a good herbal
formula, Yi-gan-san, which I recommend and which many
patients have used with wonderful results.
- Indigestion will be the uninvited guest to the feast.
Please do not bomb the system with over-the-counter
nostrums. Most of these do far more harm than good. An
acupuncture treatment or two will rebalance the outraged
- Cleanse your liver. Your liver is the filter for your
blood. If you overload it with toxins, it will not only
be poisoned itself, it will dump lots of little rocks
into your gallbladder. I carry the old standby Milk
Thistle, LVR™ liver protector) from Pure
Encapsulations, and Wormwood Combination from Kroeger.
The liver is particularly susceptible to alcohol, so you
might want to think about that while lifting that 5th,
or was it 6th? glass of bubbly.
- Your head hurts. Resist the temptation to reach for
Tylenol or any other compound with acetamenophen. It
eats your liver. This is particularly true when combined
with alcohol. I am not kidding. If you must use an NSAID,
use aspirin; it will at least have the side-effect of
helping you avoid a stroke.
- Balance rest and exercise. Most of the ill-effects of
over-indulgence can be resolved by using exercise and by
letting the body have its normal rest cycle. Try to
remember that most societies induce trance states by
keeping the participants up all night.
Detoxify. There are a great many
regimens for this. The easier way
is to try to balance what you are eating – not so much
fried food, for example, and
more steamed vegetables. The other way is
to take herbs to calm down your system. An excellent one
is "Purge Phlegm"
from Chinese Modular Solutions. Phlegm here does
not refer only to the mucus collecting in your
respiratory system, but to the
general clogging that has occurred system-wide.
Chrysanthemum Flower Tea
This tea is a cooling beverage. It is
calming, clears wind and heat, soothes the liver, and improves
vision. It will relieve indigestion and calm the nervous
system, chrysanthemum flowers have a lubricating,
yin-nourishing effect. The preferred species of chrysanthemum
flowers are the full, yellow-flowered varieties. You can buy
dried crysanthemum flowers in Chinese markets and pharmacies.
Use 9 grams of Chrysanthemum flowers and 1 or 2 slices of
licorice root.
(Also available in Chinese pharmacies and
markets. Licorice is excellent in harmonizing food and for
detoxification for the overuse of alcohol and drugs. Make 2
cups of the tea by infusion.* More water can be added for a
second brewing.
How to make an infusion:
place the herbs in a selected container. Heat water in a pot
until it boils. Pour the hot water into the receptacle
containing the herbs. Cover the container and allow the herbs
to steep for 5 to 15 minutes or until the infusion is cool
enough to drink. Strain the tea and drink.
A final word. There is as much to be said
for other overindulgences as for food and drink. Please try
not to overindulge in negativity, criticism, lack of
gratitude, incivility, and worry. None of this does any
good and it does have measurable effects on the body.