A Child is Born
Dr. Wang is
proud to say he’s instigated more than 20 pregnancies in 2005!
By that, I mean he’s assisted couples with
problems by giving acupuncture
treatment and herbs. Those
read a previous newsletter about infertility realize that
acupuncture has proved to be extremely effective in helping
couples conceive. It can benefit both men and women. Baby Ryan
James was born to his proud parents on October 17, 2005, and
they sent Dr. Wang a photo Christmas card with their thanks. As
the handsome little fellow to
the right shows, acupuncture works for

If you
would like a copy of the recent fertility newsletter either
phone the office at the above number or email Laura at
lbretton@pacbell.net, and we will be happy to send
one to you.
Now onto
everyone’s favorite subject come January 1st:
Nutrition & Diet
for 2006
As the New
Year approaches and waistlines expand we start making
resolutions regarding our eating habits. Have you ever looked
at the word “resolution”? If a solution solves the problem, why
do we have the same RE-solutions each year? Maybe, instead of
taking the same path that failed year after year, it’s time to
put the “solution” back into resolution.
Americans have an ongoing problem with nutrition. Our diets
tend toward processed foods, salt, fats and sugars. We then try
to fight the physical effects of our unnatural diets by taking
medications to reduce the negative impact, or supplements to
make up for the nutrients our chosen foods lack. We all know
that paying attention to our diet takes vigilance, that
moderation is key, exercise is essential, etc.
On a recent
radio show Paula Poundstone joked that her kids had never seen
an ingredient. It seems amusing at first, but the reality is
startling – we buy pre-made soups, frozen dinners, protein
shakes, candy bars. Do you know what you are consuming? When
you read a list of ingredients, do you understand? Why is it so
important nowadays for our foods to have ADDED vitamins and
minerals, and why is a daily multivitamin essential? It’s
because we don’t get the nutrients we need in a processed-foods
is blessed with superabundance – a mixed blessing indeed. Our
problem is we don’t know how to portion this wealth when it
comes to food. We revel in quantities: all-you-can-eat,
supersize, Big Mac, Big Gulp, Whopper. What we lose is
quality. The younger generations are growing up considering
fast food not a rare indulgence but a way of life. We’ve
forgotten what REAL FOOD is.
Food is
cultural. Historically, people ate what was close, convenient
and abundant. They ate according to the geography, the climate,
the growing season and the migration of wildlife. The
Inuit still exist on a diet that would clog most arteries: whale
and seal blubber are staple foods. Depending on the area, they
supplement their diet with fish, reindeer, and birds, while
carbohydrates and fresh fruits or vegetables are almost
nonexistent. The area provides such food as is needed for the
people living there – in the freezing, inhospitable North, fat
is a necessary component of the diet to maintain energy for
hunting, as well as important body heat. The body is meant to
metabolize the fat because it is in an extreme condition.
Someone in balmy San Diego could not survive healthily on the
same type of diet.
Japanese, being island people, are accustomed to eating a lot of
seafood. The seven mainstays of the Japanese diet are fish,
vegetables, rice, soy, noodles, tea, and fruit. Foods are eaten
separately and enjoyed for their flavors as well as their eye
walk and bike in the course of their everyday lives – going to
work or school, doing errands, etc. They also have a concept
called hara hachi
or eating until you are only about 80% full. And they are
notoriously slender.
The Chinese
diet is generally regarded as a healthy one. There is a Chinese
proverb, "Illness starts from what goes into one's mouth while
trouble starts from what comes out of it." A typical Chinese
diet, which includes a lot of vegetables, fish and seafood but
very little sugar or dessert, is proved to be healthy. Besides
stir fry and deep fry, the Chinese use a wide variety of cooking
methods: steam, boil, stew, roast, and bake, and, contrary to
what you might find in some “Chinese food” restaurants in the
U.S., they generally avoid
excessively greasy food. There are several Chinese concepts of
healthy eating habits. The most basic one is the balance of yin
(feminine) and yang (masculine). Failure to maintain this
balance is the root to many illnesses: excessive yin leads to
weakness, while excessive yang to restlessness manifested in
inflammation and ulcers. Yin food includes fruits and vegetables
whilst yang food includes meat.
traditional Greek diet is not a Big, Fat Greek Diet, but is
instead extremely healthy.
In a 44-month study of more than
22,000 Greek men and women ages 20 to 86, researchers from the
University of Athens Medical School and the Harvard School of
Public Health found that higher adherence to a
Mediterranean-style diet was associated with a lower risk of
dying from heart disease and cancer. The diet emphasizes
vegetables, whole grains, fruit, beans, nuts and fish and
derives up to 40% of total daily calories from olive oil and
other healthy fats. It also allows for a glass of wine or two.
The French
tend to eat bread with every meal and consider it a
dietary staple, while Americans try to avoid it as full of
fattening carbs. The French also tend to eat meals of good food
in small portions, including decadent sauces and choice
ingredients, preferring quality to quantity. Even more
importantly, they walk. A physically active lifestyle coupled
with a moderate approach to eating allows them to literally have
their cake and eat it, too.
The U.S.
trend for the past decade has been to shun carbs and push
protein. If protein is the answer we should all be skinny as
posts: we eat more red meat by far than any other nation, yet we
are by and large, well, large. We also set records for high
levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and heart disease. So much for
the currently popular high-protein diets.
It really
isn’t difficult to get the nutrients you need when you know what
to look for. The problem for most people is preparation time
and difficulty. Still, if you want to improve your health, you
have to improve your diet. Pills to lower cholesterol or blood
pressure, to suppress the appetite or stimulate the nervous
system are only Band-Aids, not healing balm.
What to do,
then? We’re back to the basics: pay attention to the
ingredients that make up your diet, staying as close as possible
to “real” foods instead of processed foods. Eat fresh or frozen
fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Be moderate in your
eating and drinking. Exercise as your abilities allow.
biggest, most difficult part of putting the solution back into
the resolution, though, is not hunger, or lack of energy for
exercise, or “falling off the wagon.” No, the biggest obstacle
to achieving your goal is maintaining focus and being patient.
This is one
problem acupuncture can’t solve. Dr. Wang can offer herbs and
acupuncture treatments to help curb the cravings and distribute
the nutrients and energy from the food you eat, but, as most
dieters know, there is more hunger in the head than in the
belly. The only way to make a real difference in your weight
and your health is not to go on a diet, but to change your
lifestyle. Health is not a destination, but a continual
Office Update/Email Requests
Our office renovations
are mostly complete. We hope you’ll come and see us in our
newly decorated clinic!
We’d also like to know
how many patients would be more interested in receiving the
newsletter in their email boxes rather than by U.S. Post.
Anyone who would rather the newsletter be sent via email as an
MS Word document, please email your request to
lbretton@pacbell.net with the email address you prefer.
Please write NEWSLETTER EMAIL or something similar in the
subject line so that I know it is not SPAM email. Thank you!
Dr. Wang is fortunate to
have patients from all walks of life. However you celebrate,
have a happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year!
