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Spring 2007
Facial Rejuvenation
through Acupuncture
One of the most common sounds emitted by our acupuncture
patients is a contented, relaxed sigh. Patients report feeling
peaceful, serene and, of course, less pained. In short, they
feel better. Were you aware, though, that acupuncture can help
you LOOK better, too?
has gained notoriety over the past decade as a beauty aid. It
is reported that luminaries such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Demi Moore,
Madonna and Cher receive regular “cosmetic” facial
acupuncture sessions to keep their faces firm and young without
resorting to the
severity and distortion of cosmetic surgery or the potential
dangers of toxic
injections such as botox. They are
following a tradition established centuries
ago in China.
operate on the theory that beauty corresponds directly with
health. They try to balance the body’s meridians and to
facilitate the even flow of Qi (“chee”). When the body is
healed and balanced, the face naturally improves. By using
certain additional facial rejuvenation techniques beyond the
needles used to restore and promote health, an acupuncturist can
actually reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, lessen
jowls and bags, make lips plump and restore a youthful, luminous
glow to the skin.
There are
several theories behind how this facial rejuvenation works. The
insertion of the needles brings blood to the face, improving
circulation and making the skin rosier. Qi, the body’s
essential energy, also circulates freely around the face.
Needles around the lips draw the blood into them, making them
appear more sensuous.
placed at wrinkles and fine lines help stimulate the body to
produce collagen fibers in these places, making them appear less
visible. Collagen is the main protein responsible for the
skin’s elasticity, and its degradation leads to the wrinkles
that accompany aging. By stimulating the body’s natural
collagen growth, acupuncture can slow down the wrinkle process.
rejuvenation with acupuncture can brighten your eyes, help clear
your skin and make it rosier and tighter, firm up your cheeks
and jaw-line and diminish bags under the eyes. It can make you
look more youthful and healthy naturally, without the danger,
cost and possible facial distortion of surgery and injections.
In addition
to the acupuncture itself, certain herbs can benefit the facial
rejuvenation process. Herbs will vary depending on a patient’s
particular issues. One generally helpful herbal formulation is
Ren Shen Yang Rong Wan, available at Dr. Wang’s office.
Dr. Wang is
happy to announce that he is now providing facial rejuvenation
acupuncture to his clients
at no extra charge!
So when you walk out of our office and your body feels better,
you can look better as well. We always knew we had the best
looking patients, but now you’ll be downright dazzling!
Here we
down chicken soup as a “cure for the common cold.” You might
want to try this non-chicken alternative next time you are under
the weather. It was recommended in Acufinder Magazine for
Spring 2007. It is “an ancient Chinese herbal remedy for colds”
and should be taken at the onset of symptoms.
Miso Soup
with Scallions
(serves 4): 6 cups cold water, 3-4 tbsp. Aka Miso or red soybean
paste (usually sold in the refrigerated section), 3-5 chopped
green onion stalks (also known as scallions). You can use more
scallions if you like.
Dissolve the miso in about 2 tsp. boiling water. Bring rest of
water to boil in a saucepan and add the miso and most of the
scallions. Simmer 5-10 minutes. Remove from heat, top with the
rest of the scallions, and serve. For variety you can add
paper-thin slices of fresh ginger (Dr. Wang highly recommends
this), tofu, fresh mushrooms, cooked shrimp, snow pea sprouts or
cooked rice noodles. Enjoy!
We would
like to inform our patients that we no longer contract with
American Specialty Health (ASH). Unfortunately, we were not
able to cover our overhead costs at the rates ASH paid, and
therefore we had to end our association with them. We are sorry
for any inconvenience this has caused. We would like to
continue fulfilling the acupuncture needs of our ASH patients.
If you are an ASH patient, please call our office to discuss
your future care.
patients ask for copies of newsletters from yesteryear. We have
received enough requests to encourage us to bundle our
newsletters together in a reprint. Right now we are collecting
all our past issues with plans to issue a booklet sometime
soon. We anticipate the price of the booklet to be no more than
$10, just enough to cover our printing costs. More details on
the release will come in a future newsletter.
This is
Laura Bretton, Dr. Wang’s office manager. I want to thank
everyone who has helped me raise money for the Leukemia &
Lymphoma Society. Because of the generosity and kindness of our
patients I am well on the way to meeting my $3,100 goal. I have
one more month of fundraising and must have the full amount by
April 20th, 2007 for the marathon taking place April
28th in Nashville, Tennessee.
number of people I’ve met who are affected by these diseases
amazes me. Blood cancers are truly sex-, age- and color-blind:
they impact an incredibly broad spectrum of people. Perhaps you
or someone you know has been diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma,
myeloma, Hodgkin’s disease or another blood cancer.
Leukemia &
Lymphoma Society donations are 100% tax deductible and go toward
the search for cures to these often-deadly diseases. The
society also cares for families dealing with the cost and strain
of battling blood cancers by providing financial assistance,
education about the illness and, most importantly, HOPE.
consider a donation – every dollar helps. Checks should be
written to the Leukemia & Lymphoma society and mailed to me at
Dr. Wang’s office, 4295 Gesner St Ste 1A, San Diego CA 92117.
If you want to donate by credit card, please email me at
lbretton@gmail.com and I will send you a link and instructions
on how to donate online. Please feel free to call the office
with any questions Monday through Friday, (858) 684-1848. I
thank you again for your generosity.
Dr. Wang
will be out of the office during the week of Monday April 23rd.
We will reopen Monday April 30th. If you need
acupuncture during this time, please contact Dr. Helen Hu at
(619) 226-6506. We are sorry for any inconvenience!
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